
Hi there. Thank you for checking out my blog, I hope you like it and I hope it's inspiring for you to get healthy yourself.

I just wanted to point out to you all that I am a PR Friendly blogger.

This means if you have products you want trying out, I am happy to help out and provide an honest, unbiased review of it.

The topics I am generally covering consist of diet, exercise, health and weight loss.

If your product fits into those categories, feel free to email me at and we can discuss it further.

Please note that I reserve the right to respectfully decline to review anything I don't feel suits this blog. I also offer 100% honest reviews, if I don't like it, I will tell you.

I am also Sponsor Friendly

I am happy to discuss the possibility of sponsored posts. Providing the post is relevant to this blog, I am happy to deal with sponsored material. Again, just contact me at and we can discuss it further.

All my posting figures are available on request.