Thursday 13 June 2013

June 13th 2013

Me - "You there! Boy in the street! What day is today?"
Boy - "Me? guv'nor?"
Me - "Yes you! What day is today?"
Boy - "Why it's the tenf day of your diet guv"

Yes, butchering A Christmas Carol to the point that Charles Dickens is positively drilling for crude oil due to the speed his coffin is spinning indicates that I've made it through the first 10 days of this monumental effort to lose weight and I get to have my first cheat day!

Oh, precious carbohydrates, come to me, fuel me!

As you can guess, I've been looking forward to this. Mostly because tonight I get to indulge myself after a week and a half of carb abstinence. Given how tight time scales are, I'm not going to go ballistic as some people do, but I'm going to treat myself to a big plate of Pasta Bolognese to reward myself for being as strong as I have been.


The exercise must continue so with a full belly I will be hitting the gym again tonight, so the treats will be short lived, but well enjoyed.

I'm still stiff as a board from Tuesday's foray into P90X, so I'm glad I've decided to leave trying that again until Friday because I think at this point I'm just far to broken to even consider it. The gym tonight will be a mix of cardio and resistance, with focus on my back and arms. I've done plenty of work on my legs in the past week or so, but seeing as they increased in size by an inch I think I could do with laying off them and toning my upper body. Expect me to be more broken tomorrow.

I'm maintaining a high rate of activity this week and I'm trying to stay on the wagon. It's not helping that it appears to be biscuit and sweets week at work as I'm constantly receiving group emails saying some tasty treat has been left on a desk for everyone to share. So far though i haven't cracked and I haven't inflicted wrath upon anyone, so I think I'm doing well.

That said, I'm practically salivating at the chance to have some pasta tonight...


  1. Make sure it's a whole wheat pasta :D

    I see no difference in taste, but when it comes to simple carbs vs complex carbs there are just so many reasons to go whole wheat.

  2. Yeah, it's whole wheat. I don't eat white pasta anymore, haven't eaten it for a very long time.

    White spaghetti though, that's a different matter :P
