Friday 14 June 2013

June 14th 2013

Well, that was frustrating.

So my treat day was a mixed bag. On the one hand, the bolognese was amazing. I've been missing pasta and rice while I've been doing this diet, so it was a perfect treat for me. However, when I got to the gym last night, I suddenly realised that I may have been overdoing the exercise this last fortnight.

I started on the cross trainer, like I normally do, but my legs were like lead. Seriously, after 2 minutes I was sweating like I'd done 30, I had no energy and I was really struggling. I pushed on to 10 minutes worth but I was pretty much dying on my feet at that point. I managed to get some weights done after that so the trip to the gym wasn't entirely a wasted effort, but I just felt ghastly.

This morning it took every ounce of self determination just to get out of bed. I think I'm well and truly exhausted now, as in, exhausted to the bone. I've decided today I'm having a day off from exercise.  I need to give my muscles a chance to repair themselves and get their strength back, otherwise I'll never be able to work out.

I'm also going to fuel myself today, so I'll be having sweet potatoes with my dinner and I've bought some nuts into work with me to keep myself going.

It is really frustrating because I know how little time I have left this month to make a difference for the target event, have a day off from exercise feels like a waste to me. I'd rather not have a day off, but I realise that my body is telling me it needs to rest.

Bah. Stupid body.

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